1277 Hartford Avenue
Johnston, Rhode Island 02919

Advanced technology lenses are devices used to replace the eye’s natural lens when it is removed during cataract surgery. Dr. Diamante is proud to offer only the finest in advanced technology lenses.

Prior to your cataract surgery, Dr. Diamante meticulously evaluates your eyes to determine the best lens for you and your lifestyle. These replacement lenses may give you the best vision you have ever had! Advanced technology lenses include the AcrySof® Toric and the Restor® Multifocal.

acrysof_toricToric Lenses

The AcrySof® Toric Lens corrects astigmatism as well as farsightedness or nearsightedness during your cataract surgery, better than just contacts or eyeglasses alone. Astigmatism, characterized by a misshapen cornea, leads to blurred vision. The toric lens corrects many of the optical problems caused by astigmatism.

Dr. Diamante utilizes ORA Verifeye+ technology to determine the best toric lens power and lens position to deliver superior visual outcomes along with the benefits of custom bladeless laser cataract surgery.

Download AcrySof® Toric Lens Brochure

Watch toric lens video below:

Extended Depth-of-Focus Lenses

TECNIS® Symfony IOL is the first and only presbyopia-correcting extended range of vision IOL. It delivers a continuous full range of high quality vision with reduced incidence of halos and glare comparable to a multifocal IOL.

The Symfony lens, which treats presbyopia (age-related long-sightedness) is implanted into the eye during a normal cataract operation. In

most cases, recovery time is minimal, with patients able to return to their usual routine just 24 hours after surgery. Unlike traditional multifocal lenses, there are no glares or halos with the Symfony lens, no reduction in contrast sensitivity, and it has a special defraction grating, making it similar to a traditional lens implant but with the added benefit of a reading prescription.

If you are interested in laser cataract surgery with Dr. Diamante, or if you have more questions about advanced technology lenses, call Dr. Diamante today at 401.521.3606 or click here to request an appointment online!

Download Tecnis® Symfony Lens Brochure